What matters to you.

Digital Mural

Embedded in the exterior wall of GBH's studios is a Boston landmark: a digital mural designed to brighten the ride for commuters with a theme a day that provokes thought, inspires curiosity, and reflects the content and values of public media.

GBH's eco-friendly, light-emitting diode (LED) screen stretches 30 feet by 45 feet. Powered in part by solar panels atop the GBH roof, the mural exemplifies our goal of engaging the communities we serve.

It also underscores our commitment to the environment. The most energy-efficient display of its kind on the market, the LED screen installed by GBH in November 2012 uses 60 to 65 percent less electricity than the screen it replaced. At night, it reverts to a tranquil "screen saver" image of the evening sky. Other energy-saving measures are employed throughout GBH's LEED-certified facility. Learn more about our studios and the greener GBH.

Funding for GBH’s digital mural has been provided by the Massachusetts Cultural Facilities Fund, a program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, administered through a collaborative arrangement between MassDevelopment and the Massachusetts Cultural Council.

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