Join host Dianna Cowern as she puts her MIT physics degree to the test. With experiments, demonstrations, and cool new discoveries, Physics Girl sheds new light on the fun, adventurous side of physical science.
Episode 30, Season 4
Why RED BUBBLES are impossible… or are they?!Take a look at bubbles and you’ll see that they're actually missing colors!6:09 -
Episode 29, Season 4
I WAS THERE! How David Blaine flew helium balloons to the height of jets (and jumped)I got invited to see David Blaine float 25,000 feet up in the sky!10:12 -
Episode 27, Season 4
The Science of VentilationHow likely are you to get sick on an airplane?12:19 -
Episode 26, Season 4
Insanely Fun DIY Science Experiments at HomeFun DIY at-home science experiments.9:00 -
Episode 24, Season 4
Unique At-Home Science Experiments!Dianna from Physics Girl walks through 5 experiments.9:52 -
Episode 22, Season 4
Ballistic Ping Pong Ball vs. Tennis Ball at 450km/h!What happens when you shoot a ballistic ping pong ball going 450kph at a tennis ball?14:56 -
Episode 23, Season 4
Candid Interview with COVID-19 ER Nurse and EpidemiologistER Nurse Practitioner and Epidemiologist talk about their experiences with the pandemic.20:41 -
Episode 21, Season 4
HOME CHALLENGE: 20 Easy Experiments in 5 MinutesBored adult or a parent stuck at home during the coronavirus quarantine? Try this!6:30 -
Episode 20, Season 4
What Happens to Your Reflection if You Bend a Spoon Inward?What happens to your image if you bend a spoon from concave to convex?7:58 -
Episode 19, Season 4
How Rainbows with NO COLOR Are PossibleWhat the heck are spider-web rainbows? What are these rare white rainbows?8:20 -
Episode 18, Season 4
This Thing is -270°C and is EVERYWHEREThe universe is microwaving itself.9:29 -
Episode 17, Season 4
Inside the World's Largest Science ExperimentDianna visits CERN and dives into the fundamental question: what are particles?14:01 -
Episode 15, Season 4
Why This Stuff Costs $2700 Trillion Per GramThere’s a factory in Europe that makes antimatter!10:00 -
Episode 16, Season 4
How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known PhysicsHow is it possible that you can't see 95% of the universe?10:36 -
Episode 14, Season 4
Most People Don’t Know Wine Moves Like ThisWine legs aka wine tears or wine fingers are stranger than they seem.9:42 -
Episode 10, Season 4
Why Are There Giant Concrete Tunnels in the Desert?The Physics Girl team visited LIGO once again.11:24 -
Episode 11, Season 4
What Happens When Black Holes Collide?What happens when black holes collide? What is the speed of gravity?30:22 -
Episode 13, Season 4
World’s Largest Camera LensWe caught the short window of time to see the largest digital camera's massive lens.9:12 -
Episode 12, Season 4
The Surprising Ways Mars is Hostile to LifeWanna know all the reasons Mars will kill you and how we know?10:11 -
Episode 9, Season 4
Testing What Exercise Actually Does to Your ButtWhat activates your butt muscles more, running or squatting?10:34 -
Episode 8, Season 4
The Hardest Exam I Ever Took at MIT in PhysicsUnboxing an MIT Physics Exam from the 8.012 Classical Mechanics course.9:36 -
Episode 7, Season 4
This Weird Straw EffectWhen you look through a straw in water something strange happens as you move it up & down.5:00 -
Episode 3, Season 4
Singing this note is IMPOSSIBLE!Try to sing up the scale of notes into a pipe, certain notes are impossible to sing!6:27 -
Episode 4, Season 4
AMAZING underwater vortex rings!DIY Science - Make a colored vortex ring in the pool5:48 -
Episode 2, Season 4
How Magnet Paper Works ft. MKBHDMagnet paper or magnet film shows you were magnetic fields are.6:56 -
Episode 1, Season 4
Stephen Hawking's Final Theory on Black HolesThe black hole information paradox and Soft Hair6:57