Harvard Global Health Institute Director: States That Reopen Without Widespread Coronavirus Testing Face 'A Big Explosion In Cases'
Although Congress reached a deal Tuesday on a $450 billion package that includes money for increased coronavirus testing, there is still no concrete federal strategy for such efforts, with President Trump this week calling testing “a local thing."

Jim Braude was joined by Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute, who recently authored a paper calling for at least a three-fold increase in the number of administered COVID-19 tests before the U.S. can return to normal functioning, to discuss.

Homeschooling While Working Full-Time Is Exhausting. Here's How This Reporter Is Finding A Balance.
Governor Baker announced Tuesday that Massachusetts schools will remain closed for the remainder of the academic year, replacing his earlier mandate that had closed school doors just until May 4. For some parents, the thought of homeschooling for so long may sound impossible. Reporter Cristina Quinn shared more on the balancing act that is involved.