Today on Boston Public Radio:

  • Michael Curry and Jennifer Braceras joined our political roundtable covering the latest in policy and news. Curry is senior vice president and general counsel at Mass League of Community Health Centers, and a member of the National NAACP Board of Directors. Braceras is a political columnist, senior fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum, and a former Commissioner of the United States Commission on Civil Rights.
  • Charlie Sennott, executive director of The GroundTruth Project, spoke about the attack on the Saudi Arabian oil supply.
  • Ali Noorani, executive director of the National Immigration Forum, went over the latest immigration headlines.
  • 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang talked to us about his race to the nomination.
  • Reverends Irene Monroe and Emmett G. Price III spoke about the call for slavery reparations.
  • We opened the lines to ask our listeners about sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
  • TV expert Bob Thompson talked about Shane Gillis, the "Saturday Night Live" controversial hire.