There are just 50 women's colleges left in the U.S. That’s down from more than 250 in 1950. Twice in the past six months, trustees at women’s colleges have voted to go coed: Wilson College in Pennslyvania and Pine Manor College in Newton. 

In recent years some women-only colleges have turned to recruiting women abroad, but for the majority of colleges international outreach hasn't reversed the trend. (Read the full story on the On Campus blog here.) 

Last week, On Campus asked readers for their opinions on women's colleges- why they chose (or didn't choose) to go to a women's college, and what role should these schools play in the shifting higher education landscape. 

Rosalyn, from Philadelphia: 

All women's colleges teach women how to use their power beyond their sexuality. It reminds us that we are human and develops confidence where there might have been none. They allow us to focus on our educational and career goals, rather than being forced to consider our hormonal or relationship goals.

Jenni, from New York: 

Long before the women's liberation movement, we were recognized as unique individuals free to determine our own places in the world. Without the distraction of coed classes, we were highly competitive with each other and developed strong leadership skills.

Did you attend a women's college? Should we get rid of women's colleges? Weigh in, and read others' comments  here