A new Distracted Driving Survey shows that nearly 40 percent of Massachusetts drivers admit to texting while driving. 

A law to ban distracted driving went into effect in Massachusetts in September 2010, but it's proved difficult to enforce. Though 80 percent of the 500 drivers surveyed were aware of the Massachusetts Safe Driving Law, drivers between the ages of 17 and 44 were more than twice as likely to text behind the wheel. 

During the month of June, State police will  redouble their efforts to stop texting while driving with the help of a$275,000 federal grant. So, be aware drivers! If Mass police spot you texting or using your phone while driving, it could land you a $100 fine for a first offense.

Boston Public Radio's Jim Braude and Margery Eagan want to know, do you text while driving? Is there anything that would stop you from texting while driving?

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