Every May, WGBH celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by featuring dozens of related programs on WGBH 2 and WORLD Channel, many of them premieres, as well as a dynamic event and dinner at WGBH Studios in Boston. This year's celebration, on May 9, will feature a conversation with the first-ever Asian American US Cabinet Secretary, Norman Mineta, who is the subject of a new PBS documentary, Norman Mineta and his Legacy: An American Story, airing Monday, May 20.

A dinner reception and a display in honor of the 150th anniversary of the Transcontinental Railroad and Wah Lum Kung Fu and Tai Chi Academy performance will follow the discussion. Other local community leaders in attendance will include Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu, Bunker Hill Community College President Pam Eddinger, UMass Political Science Prof. Paul Watanabe, Henry L. Stimson Professor at Harvard Law School Mark Wu, WGBH President and CEO Jon Abbott and Liz Cheng, general manager of WGBH Television and the WORLD Channel.

We sat down with Cheng to learn more about the event and WGBH's annual involvement with Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.

Watch the event live on Facebook on May 9, beginning around 6:24pm, via the following link:
Facebook Live