What matters to you.


Whether watching Arthur learn about a friend and their disability, traveling the globe to take a closer look at historical artifacts and treasures, or learning about how a young person in the U.S. military won a First Amendment right to wear his articles of faith, GBH strives to reflect and engage the audiences we serve.

Telling your stories

Headshot of Seeta Pai
In our Children’s Media and Education work, we respond to the strengths and needs of all communities, creating media that is for them, about them, and with them. With this intentionality, we ensure that everyone’s story is part of the narrative, the learning is more relevant and engaging, and allows for a more fair and inspired future.
Seeta Pai, Interim VP of Children’s Media and Education

Five Point Criteria

At GBH, we want the stories we tell to be as multifaceted, varied, and interconnected as the world around us. Using data and research to drive our content, we hold ourselves to the following 5 criteria:

Our multi-faceted, intergenerational audience is engaged.

Our creators, directors, and producers authentically represent the stories we share.

Our content is inclusive, reflecting the world around us.

Our internal roles are filled with talent of all backgrounds, perspectives, and identities.

From hosts to narrators to interviewers and many more, our talent represents our audience's experiences.

The Equity and Justice Reporting Unit

GBH News’ Equity and Justice unit focuses on equity issues in Greater Boston and beyond. They develop regional and national interest stories around these topics, host community events, engage directly with the audience, and elevate community voices.

GBH Voices and Equity Fund

Through our work, we aim to foster greater awareness and appreciation for diverse perspectives; share untold narratives; provide spaces for all voices to be heard; and support families and communities—with the intent of inspiring positive change.

Gifts to GBH Voices and Equity Fund will allow us to sustain our ongoing commitments to inclusivity and dignity; help launch innovative new projects; and allow us to respond quickly to opportunities as they emerge. Learn more here .