Every week, WGBH Arts Editor  Jared Bowen  sums up the exhibitions, theater, movies and music you should check out in and around Boston.

EDITH CAN SHOOT THINGS AND HIT THEM , presented by Company One Theatre, at the Calderwood Pavilion through June 27

Jared says: "This is a really great production by Company One…one of the most consistently great theater companies in this town. You have these three young actors playing these kids, and I think you can completely identify…and tap into your own childhood."

Synopsis: A. Rey Pamatmat’s other play running in Boston (Huntington Theatre Company's “after all the terrible things I do” is also at the Calderwood Pavilion) follows two siblings trying to make their way through hard times. Edith and Kenny’s mother has died, and their father has left them without any money and with hardly any food. To protect them from concerned—to Edith, meddling—adults, she totes a BB gun, and as the title suggests, uses it. And when she discovers her older brother is falling for his classmate Benji, she tries to shoot down that budding romance, too.

ARLENE SHECHET: ALL AT ONCE , at the Institute of Contemporary Art through Sept. 7

Jared says: "In addition to appreciating her process...it’s just fun. It's a great summer show."

Synopsis: The ICA is looking back at the last 20 years of New York-based sculptor Arlene Shechet’s career, through more than 150 of her works. The exhibition starts in the politically minded 1990s, when she was instead making painted Buddhas. It then moves into her layered, cascading crystal and delicate clay manifestations of frozen breath and air. One piece, "Building," is an eye-level cityscape made up of vessels that represent what she would see walking across the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan. Shechet is known for her experimental, disruptive way. While at the historic Meissen Porcelain Manufactory as an artist in residence, she used the painters and molds to craft from porcelain not just plates and vases but creature blocks and heaps of body parts, all on display. 

JURASSIC WORLD , in theaters now

Jared says: "It’s been trounced by some of the critics, but not this one. I like this film…It really harkens back to Steven Spielberg’s original intent, with youthfulness and the spirit of defense."

Synopsis: At the Jurassic World theme park, visitors get up close and personal with dinosaurs, cheering as a sea beast swallows a great white shark and driving around the woods in rolling spheres to see them in their “natural habitat.” To raise the stakes, billionaire-backed scientists genetically engineer an Indominus rex, which is way bigger than any T. rex in the three previous installments in the "Jurassic" series. After eating her sibling, she breaks out of her paddock, claws out her tracking implant, and stomps and snarls her way through the park, killing for sport. It’s then that the humans realize they made her—and the other dinosaurs—too smart for their own good. 

Which shows are you excited about? » Tell Jared about it on  Facebook  or  Twitter .