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Paris Alston and Jeremy Siegel bring a whole new vibe to mornings with their smarts, fresh perspectives and knack for understanding and dissecting the complex stories of our time. Subscribe to their newsletter The Wake Up below and listen and download the daily podcast here.

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Latest from The Wake Up podcast

  • Fear can be a valid response to scary situations --- and in some cases, when our brains react with fear to situations that won't harm us, it can also be an opportunity to learn. In the latest installment of Wake Up Well, our monthly mental health series, Paris talks to Ajay Satpute, a psychology professor at Northeastern University who studies the neuroscience of emotion, fear and social cognition.
  • Today marks one year since Hamas invaded Israel. In remembrance of that somber anniversary, GBH's Esteban Bustillos has the story of two friends from Boston who believe that peace in the Middle East is still something that can be achieved.
  • After Hurricane Helene’s devastation, GBH meteorologist Dave Epstein explains why flooding happens and what we can expect from the rest of this year’s hurricane season.
  • What's the Game of Thrones-like name people used for October centuries ago? Which (allegedly) haunted locale really exists in Massachusetts? And what's a sports equinox? Edgar B. Herwick III of GBH's Curiosity Desk joins us for some autumnal trivia.
  • Should naturally-grown psychedelics be legal in Massachusetts? Today Paris talks to someone people behind the No on 4 campaign: Chris Keohane of the Coalition for Safe Communities