

Massachusetts state senators are maneuvering to become the next Senate president.

Fueled by speculation that Senate President Therese Murray, one of the most powerful politicians at the state, could be headed for the door, senators are already lining up votes to replace Murray, suggesting that her departure could be imminent.

Murray would step down as president by the end of March 2015 in any case, because of term limit rules.

Two senators are jockeying for the job. Senate Ways and Means Chairman Steven Brewer of Barre, who oversees the budget and tax bills, and Senate Majority Leader Stanley Rosenberg of Amherst, who was the main voice on casino gambling and redistricting.  

The effort to lobby and line up votes has gone on out of public view, in conversations inside offices. Publicly, many senators won't say who they're backing. Others will, like Marc Pacheco of Taunton.

"I'm a supporter of Stanley Rosenberg's. He's an outstanding legislator but he's a great person as well," Pacheco said.

Senator Gale Candaras of Wilbraham was more tight-lipped and careful to praise the Senate president.

"It is my sincere hope that she serves until the last day, the last hour, the last minute of her term," she said.

Candaras only obliquely confirmed that the leadership race has come down to fellow Western Massachusetts senators: Rosenberg and Brewer.

"I absolutely support having a Senate president from western Massuchusetts and I would say there is almost a 100 percent probability that I will be able to serve with a great colleague and friend from western Massachusetts," Candaras asserted.

For her part, President Murray walked away when reporters asked her about her plans. Brewer would not comment and Rosenberg's aide says he is occupied with Senate business.