
Today on our Week in Review, Emily Rooney runs down the week's top stories.

—Former state crime lab worker Annie Dookhan has been placed under arrest . Her court appearance marks only the end of the beginning in the state crime lab scandal, an imbroglio that involves thousands of cases and will cost the state millions to unravel.

—On Thursday, Sixth District Congressional opponents Richard Tisei and Rep. John Tierney faced off in their first debate. The Tierney team worked hard to keep his family gambling scandal out of the debate, and surprisingly, it didn't come up .

—We remember former Boston University President John Silber, who died Thursday at the age of 86. Silber ran an unsuccessful campaign for governor of Massachusetts against Bill Weld in 1990. He will be remembered as the fiery personality who made Boston University the institution it is today.



Thursday's debate between Richard Tisei and Rep. John Tierney.