The area of Massachusetts Ave. and Melnea Cass Blvd. was cleared of tent encampments last week, and city leaders do not want to see people return when the weather breaks, Mayor Michelle Wu's Mass. and Cass czar Dr. Monica Bharel told Jim Braude on Greater Boston.

"We do not want the encampments to come back in the summertime, and these intermediate and long-term solutions are geared towards that. So it's really a citywide effort of helping individuals," Bharel said.

The citywide approach involves finding viable options for the people who are struggling with the help of Boston police and other service providers, according to Bharel.

Bharel described the individuals who were living at Mass. and Cass as fragile and in need of medical care.

"The people who were there at the Mass. and Cass area, who are outside, who are suffering from addiction, these are our neighbors. These are our family. These are our friends. We have to lead with compassion. This is a step in the right direction," Bharel said.

Watch: Dr. Monica Bharel on making progress on Mass. and Cass