• The Trump administration says it has a system for reuniting families separated at the border. Over the weekend, a Democratic delegation toured immigration facilities in Texas to see what exactly that system looks like. Rep. Katherine Clark was among them. She joined us on the line for a debrief about what she did and didn’t see.
  • Then we discussed how the border issue is reverberating locally (and other headlines) with Frank Phillips, state house Bureau Chief for the Boston Globe and Peter Gelzinis, columnist emeritus for the Boston Herald.
  • We continued the immigration conversation with Charlie Sennott of the Groundtruth Project.
  • Boston Public School students aren’t the only ones getting a summer break. Tommy Chang, Boston Public Schools superintendent, has agreed to resign in response to Mayor Walsh’s lack of confidence in Chang’s leadership. Paul Reville, former Secretary of Education and professor at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education, joined us to talk about what this means for the school system and how appealing this position will look to another group of candidates.
  • In the old days the restaurant rules use to be: no shirt, no shoes no service. Now, no service has taken on a new meaning. Sarah Huckabee Sanders learned that the hard way when the owner of the Red Hen restaurant asked her to leave for working for President Donald Trump. Earlier in the week, Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, was heckled while eating at a Mexican restaurant. We opened the lines to ask you, where are you on this?
  • Attorney General Jeff Sessions is getting blowback from his own fellow church-goers for his immigration policy and the scripture that he used to defend it. Rev. Irene Monroe discussed that with us.
  • Next, it’s the death of the Frappuccino. Starbucks is putting the blame on people who are trying to avoid their own death by cutting out excess fat and sugar. Food writer Corby Kummer joined us for that and more.