This has been an awkward time between Donald Trump and the U.S intelligence community, as the President-elect has very publicly questioned the competency of agencies like the CIA and FBI over their assessment that Russia was behind cyber-attacks which had the intent of helping Trump win the election. Today, some of those intelligence officials appeared before the Senate Armed Services committee to discuss their findings, one day before they present them to Trump. Republican senator John McCain initiated today's hearing. Jim Braude ( @jimbraude) gets insight on how this could play out from: Gregg Housh ( @GreggHoush), a former member of Anonymous and the founder and CEO of Rebel News; Retired Brigadier General Kevin Ryan, who is now the Director of Defense and Intelligence Projects at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs; and Juliette Kayyem ( @juliettekayyem), a former deputy director at Homeland Security and host of the Scif podcast.