They say to catch a criminal, you have to think like one.  That’s an approach the Boston Police would like to try, by implementing a new software program that would scan social media platforms.  The goal is to uncover threats to the public safety when they’re just being hatched.  Jim Braude ( @jimbraude ) talks to people on both sides of the issue:  Former Watertown Police Chief Ed Deveau ( @EdwardPDeveau ), about why this could help law enforcement in the 21stcentury;  and Kade Crawford ( @onekade ), director of the Technology for Liberty Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts, who is concerned this approach could be an invasion of privacy. 

It was an unbelievable scene in Cambridge Saturday afternoon, when several blocks were consumed by a 10 alarm fire.  A dark plume of smoke could be seen for miles. The good news is no one was seriously injured.  Cambridge fire chief Gerald Reardon called that "miraculous".    But the human cost is still high as 125 people no longer have a place to call home.  The huge flames also consumed a number of cars as well.  It appears the fire may have started in a three story house on Berkshire Street that was in the process of being renovated.  In total, 16 buildings were damaged or destroyed.  Jim talks to Cambridge mayor Denise Simmons ( @e_denisesimmons ) about how the city is dealing with the tragedy and her thoughts on the tremendous outpouring of support the city has seen.  David Gerzof Richard ( @davidgerzof ), an Emerson College professor who specializes in social media, weighs in on why some tragedies spark such an outpouring of support,  and others don’t. 

Cristina Quinn profiles a running program with a lofty goal:  to combat homelessness on the streets of Boston.  These new exercise enthusiasts are taking their mission very seriously, and are seeing some very promising results.

President Obama is supporting having women register for the military.  But in Jim’s opinion that’s not enough.  He explains why he thinks we should have a real draft – for everyone.