Adam Reilly ( @reillyadam ) fills in for Jim Braude to discuss racial tensions and a federal investigation that prompted the headmaster's resignation at Boston Latin School. To find out what's next for the prestigious exam school, Rahsaan Hall ( @rahsaandhall ), director of the racial justice center at the ACLU of Massachusetts ( @ACLU_Mass ) and attorney for one of the Latin School families, along with Rachel Miselman ( @RachelMiselman ), a 1989 graduate of Boston Latin, and Lazarus Vekiarides ( @lazvek ), an alum from the class of 1986 all join Adam to discuss the issue.
Also, for millions of kids, there is often one big hurdle to going to school and as Stephanie Leydon ( @stephanieleydon ) shows us, two local women are making school more accessible for kids around the world.
Plus, the past, present and future of black athletes in ice hockey: That's the subject of an award-winning documentary being shown at the Roxbury International Film Festival. It's called "Soul on Ice." ( @soulonicemovie ) Film director Damon Kwame Mason ( @kwamster007 )discusses the history and impact black hockey players have had on the game.