
  • John King joins us to go over the weeks political headlines, including Jeb and Hilary backing off from their last names, and Trumps announcement.
  • Jonathan Zittrain , Director of the Harvard Law School Library and Co-founder of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society helps put the missing Boston Public Artwork into greater context.
  • The we talk to you about cell phones in schools are they a toy or tool? 
  • Editor, publisher, and part time owner of The Nation,  Katrina vanden Heuvel  talks about the 150th birthday of the publication that’s given us access to writers like Steinbeck, James Baldwin and Molly Ivins, and the great poetry of Calvin Trillin.
  • Nancy Koehn stops by to discuss whether Disney world it is a small world after all. Then we ask you if you've been priced out of middle class?
  • Steve Inskeep sits down with us to talk about Jacksonland, his new book. He has some interesting thoughts about who should really be on the $20 bill.