
Bobby Keyes is a guitarist who made a name for himself in venues all around New England. Keyes began playing at six years old. By the time he was a teenager he was gigging — quietly, since he was technically too young — in bars and clubs with older, established musicians.

Keyes made a name not only playing live dates but as a hired gun for recording sessions, too. Over the years Keyes collaborated with New Kids on the Block, rapper Lil Wayne, and singer Robin Thicke, among many others.

Keyes convened the Bobby Keyes Trio in WGBH's Fraser Performance Studio on Thursday for a live interview with Boston Public Radio. He was joined by bandmates Marty Richards on drums, and Marty Ballou on bass. Bruce Ferrara, music director of Harvard Square's Beat Hotel and The Beehive in the South End, also joined BPR.

You can catch the Bobby Keyes Trio at The Beehive in South Boston on March 12th.