- Rep. Seth Moulton joined us to discuss a possible run for President and James Comey's congressional hearing today.
- Yesterday, Hillary Clinton discussed her campaign and why she lost the election during an interview at the Women for Women International forum. We opened the lines to hear your thoughts about Clinton's comments and what her future role should be.
- National security expert was in the studio to talk about James Comey's congressional hearing today.
- Medical ethicist Art Caplan called into discuss the rollback of nutritional guidelines for school lunches.
- Under The Radar's Callie Crossley joined us to talk about the recent racist controversy at Fenway Park.
- Richard Ortner, the President of The Boston Conservatory at Berklee , discussed its 150th anniversary, what's next for it and what's next for him when he steps down in June
NECN's Sue O'Connell gave her thoughts on French presidential candidate Emmanuel Marcon’s marriage

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