By 2050, a projected 9.7 billion people will inhabit the planet. How will we produce enough nutritious food to support this burgeoning population and ensure access to it, particularly as climate change stresses the environment?
This forum explored innovative methods and systems for producing food, as well as new types of products and underutilized sources.
The panelists spoke about emerging technologies, including advances in genomics and aeroponics, to grow food.
They also discussed ways to sustain at-risk food resources made vulnerable from climate change, and the impacts for populations in developing countries.
You can continue the conversation on Twitter using the hastag: #futureoffood
Gary Adamkiewicz
Assistant Professor of Environmental Health and Exposure Disparities, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Caleb Harper
Principal Investigator/Director, Open Agriculture Initiative, MIT Media Lab
Calestous Juma
Professor of the Practice of International Development, Harvard Kennedy School
Margaret Walsh
Senior Ecologist, Climate Change Program Office, USDA
Peter Thomson
Environment Editor at PRI's The World
Before this panel started, Peter Thomson and MIT's Caleb Harper hosted a Q&A on FB Live. You can watch that here:
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