
  • We check in with you about the racist chant causing controversy at Oklahoma University. Is there anything left to the tradition of Greek life or should we be doing away with it entirely?
  • We talk to Globe editor Brian McGrory on everything from the front page to the comics section. [17:54]
  • Juliette Kayyem weighs in on the Republican letter to Iran, ISIS destroying ancient ruins, Florida banning Climate Change, and the mysterious case of a poisoned dog. >>Read more here. [53:10]
  • Art Caplan discusses homeland's unemployment policy and the ethical tangles about surrogate mothers who bear children for their children.  >>Read more here. [1:22:03]
  • World class tenor and paralympic athlete, Ronan Tynan checks in with us about his upcoming performances and his role in Boston 2024's bid. [1:46:12]
  • A new study says companies with women on their boards do better financially. We talk to you to see what you think about quotas in the boardroom. [2:08:27]
  • Finally, we open our mic up to Sue O'Connell about charter schools, longer school days and how to move forward fixing the education system. [2:26:42]