• (Starts at 1:00) Jim and Margery discussed paroling juveniles convicted of first-degree murder. If they're tried as adults, should they receive the same sentences as adults?
  • (Starts at 31:00) Boston Globe reporter Farah Stockman talked about her six-part retrospective series about a Mission Hill summer camp for inner-city kids.
  • (Starts at 53:30) WGBH and WCAI science editor  Heather Goldstone ​ talked about mysterious Siberian sinkholes, ocean acidification, drinking water problems, and Arctic oil speculation.
  • (Starts at 1:17:00)  Alex Beam — columnist for the Boston Globe — was Jim and Margery's Thursday Open Mic guest. Beam talked about campfire ghost stories, and the legendary pencil called the Palomino Blackwing 602 .
  • (Starts at 1:38:38) After Beam discussed the Blackwing 602, Jim and Margery opened the lines to hear whether listeners are still pencil users.