In the aftermath of last week's shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conn. guns and gun control have become a topic of national conversation. It seems everyone has been talking about guns- from our right to bear arms, to taking measures to ban assault weapons. On Friday morning, the CEO of the National Rifle Association gave a statement in light of the Newtown shooting. 

Read the transcript of the statement here

During the conference, which was interrupted twice by protesters, he said that the Newtown shooting could have been stopped if there had been armed personnel in the school. He also called for a national mental health registry, as well as a school security training program, and blamed the media for focusing on the wrong issues in the aftermath of the shooting.

Boston Public Radio wants to hear your reaction LaPierre's NRA statement. We also want to hear from gun owners. What is your reaction to the attention on guns that has come since the shooting in Newtown? Weigh in below in our comments section, or on our  Facebook page.