What matters to you.

We want our journalism to serve you

GBH News is breaking down the walls between our newsroom and you. Meet our journalists in your neighborhoods. Share a coffee with us at your local cafe, or gather for a listening session in local libraries and community halls around the state. Find our table at your next community event or see us at work at our Boston Public Library studio.

What we're hearing from you:

The high cost of housing and poor public transport makes my family consider leaving the state.
Max Cotler wrote in to Have Your Say: Gov. Healey's Agenda

By hearing from you directly, we aim to cut through the noise and share stories that keep you informed about the issues that matter to you the most. Meet up and work with us on crafting news that matters.

GBH News in the Community—Connect with us

Woman sitting at a conference table with others turns to speak to the woman on her left as the group listens.
Anabelle Rondon, Deputy Director TDI, MassDevelopment and a member of the Planners of Color, speaks with GBH News staff at a Get Smart lunch while visiting GBH in Boston.
Marvin Germain

Contact us to suggest a community listening session with our news staff.

How does it work? Sit with a small group of residents and a handful of news editors, producers or reporters and talk with them about issues that matter to you. GBH News will provide some refreshments and take notes, but we won't record you. The meetings will take place where it's convenient for you to meet -- at a local library, community hall or other public space.

Stories we've told with your help