Racing Against Time
With nearly one million audio, video, film and digital assets dating to 1947, GBH has one of the nation’s most important public media archives, chronicling many of the most critical cultural and historical events of our time. This rich record of American history—news, arts and culture, science, children’s programming and more—is increasingly vulnerable to deterioration and must be preserved for future generations.
In 2018, GBH received a challenge grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) to preserve and digitize the most at-risk items in the GBH archival collection—83,000 media resources—and ensure that future media assets are properly preserved as they are created. Gifts made through 2023 in support of the GBH Media Library and Archives will be leveraged by the NEH challenge grant, securing preservation and future access to one of America’s most significant collections of public media for generations of scholars and citizens to come.
We are in a fight against time to digitize and preserve our audio and visual heritage. This content will be unusable in five to ten years if we don't act now.Karen Cariani, David O. Ives Executive Director, GBH Media Library and Archives
For more information about supporting GBH's Media Library and Archives, please contact:
Tatiana Burgos-Espinal
Associate Director of Major Gifts
For more information about including Media Library and Archives in your estate plans, please contact:
Julie Hallowell
Director of Gift Planning and Endowment
To view all directed giving opportunities, please click here.