"American Experience Presents" brings a fresh take on the iconic stories told on TV's most-watched history series. Launching with three powerful narratives: Joseph McCarthy, whose anti-communist crusade terrorized 1950s America; media titan William Randolph Hearst, the newspaper mogul whose empire shaped public opinion for decades; and Sgt. Isaac Woodard, the decorated World War II veteran whose brutal assault by police sparked a civil rights awakening. This new GBH podcast examines how these three transformative figures shaped pivotal moments in 20th century America, bringing their stories to life for a new generation of listeners.
Credits: Lead Producer: Devin Maverick Robins Associate Producer: Meiqian He Scriptwriters: Galen Beebe and Andrew Newman Editor: Devin Maverick Robins Editorial Advisor: John Bredar Sound Designer: Jack Pombriant Narrators: James Edwards and Cameo George Executive Producer: Cameo George
In 1950, an obscure senator from Wisconsin stood before a small crowd in Wheeling, West Virginia, and ignited a firestorm that would change American politics forever. With a single speech, Joseph McCarthy thrust himself into the national spotlight, brandishing accusations of Communist infiltration at the highest levels of government. But was there any truth to his claims?Discover the origins of McCarthyism in this gripping podcast series, American Experience Presents. From McCarthy's humble beginnings on a Wisconsin farm to his meteoric rise in Washington, follow the journey of a man whose name would become synonymous with political fearmongering.Through rare archival audio, expert insights, and compelling storytelling, join host James Edwards as we uncover the story of a man who wielded power through fear, only to be undone by his own hubris. Don't missthis riveting account of a senator whose name became synonymous with fear and suspicion, and whose legacy still echoes in today's political landscape.Learn more about American Experience -------------------------------------Credits:Lead Producer: Devin Maverick RobinsAssociate Producer: Meiqian HeScriptwriter: Galen BeebeEditor: Devin Maverick RobinsEditorial Advisor: John BredarSound Designer: Jack PombriantNarrator: James EdwardsExecutive Producer: Cameo George
The shocking story of Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb, two wealthy college students who murdered a 14-year-old boy in 1924 to prove they were smart enough to get away with it. Their trial, with famed defense attorney Clarence Darrow and Cook County Prosecutor Robert Crowe debating the death penalty and scores of commentators weighing in from the sidelines, set off a national debate about morality and capital punishment. For more about The Perfect Crime, visit the website on American Experience.
Though their exploits were romanticized, the Barrow gang was believed responsible for at least 13 murders, including nine law enforcement officers, as well as numerous robberies and kidnappings. Discover the true story of the most famous outlaw couple in U.S. history -- Bonnie and Clyde. Premiered on American Experience PBS on January 19, 2016. For more about Bonnie & Clyde, visit the website on American Experience.
Go inside the coal miners' bitter battle for dignity at the dawn of the 20th century with The Mine Wars. The struggle over the material that fueled America led to the largest armed insurrection since the Civil War and turned parts of West Virginia into a bloody war zone. Premiered on American Experience January 26, 2016. For more about The Mine Wars, visit the website on American Experience.