Greg Lisby
professor, journalism, Georgia State University
Greg Lisby (PhD, University of Tennessee, 1988) is professor of communication, with specialization in journalism and mass communication research. Lisby has also earned a JD degree from Georgia State University and is a licensed attorney in the state of Georgia. Lisby's research interests include communication law (particularly first amendment law) and journalism history. He won the Book of the Year Award from the Journalism Historians Association for *Someone Had to be Hated: Julian LaRose Hassis-A Biography (Carolina Academic 2002, with W.F. Mugleston)*. In addition to his three other books or monographs, he has published his research in *Communication Law and Policy, Georgia Historical Quarterly, Communication and the Law, Journal of Communication Inquiry, Journalism Educator, Newspaper Research Journal, Media Law Notes*, and *Journalism Quarterly*. Dr. Lisby has received external funding from the United States Information Agency, the Defense Department, and the Georgia Humanities Council. He received the Award for Outstanding Achievement and Excellent Leadership from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) after serving as Chair of the Council of Divisions, the Head of the Law Division, and the editor of the AEJMC Southeast Colloquium.