Dr. Stefan Kraan
Founder, Seaweed Company
Science driven entrepeneur. Born in The Netherlands he graduated with a M.Sc. degree in Marine Biology at National University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He moved to Ireland to pursue a PhD on phylogenetics and aquaculture of edible seaweeds at the National University of Ireland, Galway in 1998. He became manager of the Irish Seaweed Industry Organisation in 1998 and finished his PhD in 2001. He established the Irish Seaweed Centre in 2001, a dedicated R&D centre for seaweed-based research and development, which was launched in 2001. After managing the seaweed centre for 9 years, Dr Kraan resigned from University life in 2009 to pursue and develop some commercial ideas using seaweeds for a variety of purposes amongst them functional food ingredients for fish farming and novel algae cultivation systems for biofuel production. Dr Kraan co-founded Ocean Harvest Technology Ltd, a company that has produced Oceanfeed™, a seaweed based functional feed ingredient for the fish farming industry and other aquaculture industries. He is currently CSO of The Seaweed Company, a company that develops large scale seaweed cultivation to produce biomass for a variety of applications. Dr Kraan’s main fields of expertise are aquaculture of seaweeds, sustainable development of algal resources, industrial applications of seaweeds and usage of seaweeds in aquaculture, biotechnology and biomedicine. Source: LinkedIn https://ie.linkedin.com/in/stefan-kraan-7603827
Harnessing the Power of Seaweed: The Miracle Crop
Partner:Cambridge Forum