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Calvin Sharpe

professor, Case Western Reserve School of Law

Calvin W. Sharpe clerked for U.S. District Judge Hubert L. Will (Northern District, Illinois), practiced law in Chicago, spent four years as a trial attorney with the National Labor Relations Board, and began his teaching career at Virginia. Since coming here in 1984 he has taught Evidence, Trial Tactics, Alternative Dispute Resolution, and courses in labor and employment law; he has published in all four areas. His most recent publications include Optmality Theory and Its Implications for Arbitrator, [vol 57] NAA Proceedings (forthcoming 2004), The Story of Emporium Capwell: Civil rights, Collective Action, and the Constraints of Union Power (with Marion Crain and Reuel Schiller) in Labor Law Stories (Laura Cooper and Catherine Fisk eds.)(Foundation Press 2005), Reliability Under Rule 702: A Specialized Application of 403, 34 Seton Hall L. Rev. 289 (2003),"Integrity Review of Statutory Arbitration Awards", 54 Hastings L. J. 311 (2003), and "Evidence Teaching Wisdom: A Survey", 26 U. Seattle L. Rev. 2 569 (2003), as well as a book, Understanding Labor Law, (2d ed. with Douglas Ray and Robert Strassfeld), (Lexis 2005). He has chaired the Evidence Section of the Association of American Law Schools and held visiting appointments at George Washington, DePaul, Wake Forest, and Minnesota. He was member of the Board of Governors of the National Academy of Arbitrators and currently serves on the United States Executive Board of the International Society of Labor and Social Security Law and the Board of Directors, JUSTPEACE Center for Mediation and Conflict Transformation.