Boston Mayor Thomas Menino wished City Councilor and newly declared mayoral candidate John Connolly luck at the first press availability since Connolly declared he would run against the longtime mayor.

“Young man wants to be mayor, good luck to him,” Menino said to reporters at East Boston Neighborhood Health Center this afternoon.

Menino called Connolly a “nice young man,” with a nice family.

“Politically, we’ll tell in his campaign where he goes politically, what issues he takes on.” Menino added. “I hope during the campaign to talk about accomplishments while you’re in office. Easy just to make statements during a campaign. It’s about what he’s done as city councilor and I’ve done as mayor.”

Connolly has focused on improving education in his young campaign.

“Everybody outside wants to take on the schools,” Menino said. “They’re a good target for everyone. But look at the improvements we’ve made: more kids going off to college in Boston, higher graduation rates, lower dropoff rates, we’re doing okay.”

Lastly, Menino demurred on whether or not he would seek a sixth term.

“No trick questions,” Menino said. “This isn’t the time. There’s a time and place for everything and I’ll have that time and place shortly.”