Should Mass. Teachers Return To The Classroom — Even If They Are Teaching Remotely?
The battle over how Massachusetts will return to school has continued, following the state education commissioner’s guidance last week calling for all teachers to teach from their classrooms this fall, even if they are teaching remotely. The Massachusetts Teachers Association responded by calling the requirement “paternalistic and punitive,” with no bearing on educational outcomes. In for Jim Braude, Adam Reilly was joined by MTA President Merrie Najimy and Dr. Cassandra Pierre, an infectious disease physician at Boston Medical Center and an assistant professor at Boston University’s School of Medicine.
This week, Greater Boston interviews the eight candidates running in the Democratic primary for Massachusetts' Fourth Congressional District to replace Rep. Joe Kennedy III. On Tuesday, the show aired Adam Reilly's interview with candidates Jesse Mermell, who served as the president for the Alliance for Business Leadership, vice president for external affairs at the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts and as communications director for Gov. Deval Patrick, and Chris Zannetos, the co-founder and CEO of Covered Security and the founder and director of STEMatchMA.