Today on Boston Public Radio:

— Dr. Benjamin Linas, infectious disease physician at Boston Medical Center, discussed why Mass. has the third most COVID-19 cases in the U.S., and responded to questions from callers.

— We opened our lines to talk with callers about Gov. Charlie Baker’s new mandate that all Mass. residents wear face masks.

— We aired live audio from Gov. Baker’s Monday press conference.

WGBH News analyst and GroundTruth Project CEO Charlie Sennott talked about World Press Freedom Day, and his fears about the future of journalism at home and abroad.

— TV expert Bob Thompson discussed the overrated importance of bookshelves in virtual conferences and interviews, and gave a breakdown of the best and worst TV of the week.

— Travel guru Rick Steves gave his thoughts on the eventual reemergence of international travel, and explained his newfound appreciation for the domestic aspects of life.