It's round three, the final showdown between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The debate stage is set. So what will they do? What should  they do?? Have they taken their drug tests? U.S. News & World Report'sLylah Alphonse(@WriteEditRepeat) and The Boston Globe'sDante Ramos(@danteramos) joined Jim to discuss.

Ramos asked if this late in the campaign, is there anything that could change the dynamics between these candidates? He noted that a Sharknado could affect the outcome of the debate, or someone collapsing on stage. Alphonse said that if Trump can address the assault allegations in a way that's calm and doesn't alienate women, he could do better than he has in past debates.

They discussed Trump's recent behavior after the second debate. Alphonse said that Trump has done a good job distracting people from the email dump of messages related to Clinton. She said that issues that have been substantial have been overlooked. Ramos said that the two campaigns have been trolling each other. Alphonse compared it to reality television. She said that we are now conditioned to expect drama and filler, often found in reality TV show content.

Unfortunately, this is actual reality, not just TV.