Donald Trump is dealing with multiple accusations of sexual harassment. Ann Compton ( @AnnCompton ) covered the Clinton White House. Tom Fiedler ( @BUCOMDEAN) exposed Gary Hart. They joined Jim to talk then and now on the campaign trail.

Compton, who has covered six presidential campaigns, said she likes long campaigns where you can watch candidates and see their leadership and character.

They discussed the two debates, and if Bill Clinton could be elected in 2016. Compton said that in the past, there was 90 minutes of actual issues, with a panel of journalists and a moderator. Fiedler said that he wouldn't criticize any of the moderators. He said that we wouldn't be having this conversation about Trump's harassment of women without Anderson Cooper's insistence on the question during the debate. Compton said that Clinton could get elected in 2016. Fiedler said that he doesn't think Bill Clinton could get elected today.