Boston Mayor Marty Walsh is putting his political weight behind Gov. Baker's plan to combat opioid addiction and expand treatment and prevention services.

Walsh has been a leader for access to treatment and agrees with Baker that there must be an effective path to treatment available through emergency rooms to allow some time before someone is back on the street.

"I thought this was the best part because it gives you the opportunity, a family member the opportunity it gives a loved one the opportunity, it gives a friends the opportunity, to try and figure out what to do," Walsh said.

Baker's and Walsh's testimony at a legislative hearing was interrupted several times by audience members shouting in favor of treatment-on-demand services instead of the 72-hours of forced commitment in Baker's bill.

The powerful Massachusetts Medical Society doesn't think committing patients for 72 hours and then cutting them loose will be effective and they want changes made to the bill.

The Legislature recesses for the year this Wednesday, so a final bill will have to wait for the new year.