If you don't know Robin Jacks by name, you might know her by her Twitter handle, @caulkthewagon — especially if you followed the back and forth over Boston's 2024 Summer Olympic bid.

Jacks, who was a part of the anti-Olympics group No Boston 2024, worked diligently against the Olympic proposal, inveighing against it on Twitter, organizing opposition at community forums, and working with fellow opponents like Jonathan Cohn to obtain public records from Boston City Hall detailing how the Olympic sausage was getting made.

On the day the Olympic bid officially ended, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh famously dismissed Walsh and her fellow activists as " 10 people on Twitter ." Which makes what happened this week surprising and a bit heartwarming, even for the most jaded observer of Boston politics.

A couple of days ago, Jacks' Twitter account was suspended. When I communicated with her about the suspension, she said she wasn't sure why it had occurred, and that her requests for information from Twitter hadn't yielded any explanation.

Enter Dan Koh, Mayor Marty Walsh's chief of staff. About a month ago, Koh helped bring Jacks and Cassie Hurd, a fellow No Boston 2024 activist, in to City Hall to meet with the mayor and discuss strategies for generating interest in Imagine Boston 2030 , Walsh's attempt to generate a citywide conversation about how Boston should evolve in the coming decades.

After Koh learned from his Twitter feed that Jacks's account had been suspended, he gave her a call and learned that Jacks was baffled by Twitter's decision to freeze her account. He offered to help — and then proceeded to contact Twitter several times on Jacks's behalf. Walsh, Koh says, is planning to visit Twitter headquarters sometime in 2015; Koh told me he believes it was his outreach to the contact who's been planning that visit that ultimately got Jacks reinstated. (Emails provided to WGBH support this account.)

A cynic might read Koh's intervention as an artful attempt to make the memory of Walsh's "10 people on Twitter" characterization fade away for good. But Koh, who says he was originally introduced to Jacks by a former high school classmate, Cambridge City Councilor Nadeem Mazen, a former Phillips Andover classmate says his motivation was far less Machiavellian.

"I've been lucky enough to get to know Robin over the course of the last few months," Koh told me via email. "I've found her to be an incredibly good person … I just feel good that I was able to help her out."

Jacks, naturally, took to Twitter to express her gratitude.

"What I would like to take from this experience is that we all have the ability to be nice to each other," she tweeted last night. "We also have the ability to come together as communities and cities, to learn from each other even when it feels like there's no reason to. Boston: I hope that we will all come together and find common ground, and make our city better for it. I know we can."

Robin Jacks Tells Her Story On Twitter

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