Watch the whole show above, or see segments by clicking the links below.
Shooting video: It’s been more than 20 years now since the dramatic beating of Rodney King by Los Angeles police. The blurry video told a story, but was it the whole story? Now in the age of ubiquitous recording devices, we’re getting a clearer picture, including from South Carolina this week.
Bad news: Columbia Journalism Review gives Rolling Stone a failing grade for its campus rape story, some six months after it started unraveling.
WHDH reprimanded: Reporting on a criminal trial brings its own special challenges. There are sealed documents, esoteric terms, and limited access to the most important players. That can leave reporters jockeying for any advantage, however slight; and this week, that caused trouble for Boston’s Channel 7.
Rants & Raves: Our panel of journalism experts present their media hits and misses of the week.