Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker announced plans today aimed at reducing the number of families in homeless shelters, hotels and motels. 

The last administration pledged to end homelessness, but governor Baker says the number of homeless families is increasing. There are about 5,000, he says. Half in shelters and the other half in hotels and motels.
“The amount of family homelessness in Massachusetts must be rethought and reconsidered with respect to how the families are served.”

In the budget for next year, Baker plans to spend less money putting families in shelters, hotels and motels. And more money on prevention. He wants to send out assessment teams to help families access the services they need before they become homeless.

Advocates say prevention is more cost effective but in order for Baker to make a real dent in homelessness, he also needs to invest more money in affordable housing, and cash and food assistance. Baker is set to release his budget on Wednesday.