Somerville Fire Chief Kevin Kelleher called the 7-alarm fire in a Somerville triple decker Thursday morning "suspicious and under investigation" amid rumors the fire, and recent others, may have been set intentionally.

"People are throwing rumors around," Kelleher said. "We've had several fires and we're looking at all of them."

Two firefighters were injured fighting the blaze, according to Kelleher. A Brookline firefighters suffered a leg injury, and has been released on crutches from Cambridge Hospital, and an Everett firefighter is being held for observation for respiratory issues at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Between 35 and 40 people were displaced by the Calvin Street fire and are at the Dr. Albert F. Argenziano School at Lincoln Park on Washington Street in Somerville, Kelleher said.

A total of eight houses were damaged- three with "significant" damage, three with warped siding, and two that will have to be demolished, Kelleher said. There will be no estimate on the cost of the damages until the houses involved can be determined, but Kelleher put it "well over several million dollars."

A fundraiser has been set up by the Somerville Homeless Coalition for those who were displaced as a result of the fire. The fund lists other recent fires in Somerville including nearby 27 Lake Street on July 19, 46 Belmont Street on July 19, 25 Lewis Street on July 12, 68 Dane Street on July 12, and others.