Today on Boston Public Radio:

We opened the show by hearing from listeners about the results of Tuesday's midterm elections.

Michael Curry discussed the historic wins in Massachusetts, where Maura Healey will be one of the first openly lesbian U.S. governors (likely joined by Tina Kotek, who’s leading in the race for Oregon governor) and first woman elected governor of the state, and Andrea Campbell will become the first Black woman elected attorney general in the state. Curry is president and CEO of the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers. He’s also a member of the National NAACP Board of Directors, where he chairs the board’s Advocacy & Policy Committee.

Michael Curry on BPR | Nov. 9, 2022

Juliette Kayyem discussed the relatively smooth election evening, and made that the case the temperature of political violence may have cooled slightly amid an environment of unprecedented threats against election workers. Kayyem is former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama, and the faculty chair of the homeland security program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

Juliette Kayyem on BPR | Nov. 9, 2022

Art Caplan discussed wins for reproductive rights through state constitutional amendments, and a call for physicians not to report self-managed abortions to law enforcement in states that have restricted access to reproductive care. Caplan is the Drs. William F and Virginia Connolly Mitty Professor and founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine in New York City.

Art Caplan on BPR | Nov. 9, 2022

Matt Gilbert discussed the Boston Globe's readers' choice for best TV show — “All in the Family” — and the other shows that topped the newspaper's bracket challenge. Gilbert is the Globe's TV critic.

Matt Gilbert on BPR | Nov. 9, 2022

We closed the show by opening the lines again to hear from listeners about the election.