The Broad Institute, of MIT and Harvard, has become a hub of coronavirus testing not only in Massachusetts, but nationwide. Since March 25, the organization has processed 1.5 million tests for nursing homes, statewide testing initiatives and a new program with over 100 local colleges and universities. We heard from Dr. Stacey Gabriel about this testing effort and how it has increased over the last six months.

Then, a first-of-its-kind study found that when states close, re-open and then close again, it's less effective at stemming the spread of the virus than if they had just stayed closed in the first place. And, it gets worse when states in a given region are going through these motions in uncoordinated ways. The senior researcher on the study, Professor Sinan Aral of MIT, explained the findings.


Dr. Stacey Gabriel - 2:02
Professor Sinan Aral - 16:36