Almost 30 million Americans watched this weekend's wedding between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Perhaps part of the draw was that it was a wedding that bucked tradition in so many ways: from the British royal marrying an American woman (who is also biracial and divorced) to the ceremony full of unexpected and symbolic details, like Markle walking herself most of the way down the aisle or the Kingdom Choir singing "Stand By Me."

Harvard Business School professor Nancy Koehn joined Boston Public Radio to elaborate on the significance of this historic occasion — and make the case for why it is historic. Koehn is the author of, most recently, "Forged In Crisis."

"This is such a mix of old and new, black and white, British and American, iconoclastic and traditional, royals and ordinary people," Koehn said.

"In a way, Britain is teaching America a lesson here about the new world: a global world, a diverse world, a world of intermarriage and people who come from lots of different places, with lots of different stories," she continued.