And so now we know. Bill Cosby in his own words has admitted to using Quaaludes to get women to have sex with him.

His admission was revealed in a deposition he gave in a 2005 civil case brought by Temple University employee Andrea Constand. It involves an incident from 2004 and it’s so far the only successful legal action brought against the now 77-year-old entertainer. The Associated Press formally requested the unsealing of the document saying the protected information was in the public interest, and the court agreed. Immediately some of Cosby’s strongest defenders, including actress/singer Jill Scott, reversed position. Saying she was “completely disgusted”, Scott tweeted, “Proof will always matter more than public opinion. The sworn testimony is proof.”

This latest revelation is not proof enough for many who continue to defend Cosby. I’ve been taken aback by the stubborn holdouts who question everything BUT Cosby’s actions. A professor has asked, “how do you rape nearly 30 people without one of these people having any physical evidence of an assault?” And I’m disturbed by the hostility aimed at the women who’ve gone public describing situations just like the one Cosby admitted to under oath.

And that’s the thing that gets me—when it comes to sexual assault accusers, victims, have to meet an overwhelming burden of proof. And, given the nature of the crime, I’m incredulous that women—who should know better— are often the chief skeptics. Whoopi Goldberg, what are YOU thinking?

Will more details matter to people like Goldberg who say there is not enough concrete information to support Cosby’s accusers? We could soon find out. Andrea Constand has asked the court to release Cosby’s entire deposition and the details of her settlement agreement.

It’s better than the bad old days, but the plain facts are women who report sexual assault are often just not believed. Which is why many of them don’t come forward in the first place. That’s exactly the reason one of my guests for “Under the Radar” kept her rape secret for decades. Finally, bravely choosing to share her experience on the program a few months ago when the Cosby controversy first broke.

To be clear, I have absolutely no use for false accusers. I’m outraged that somebody would lie about being raped. Angry because I know that someone who lies makes it harder for the women who are telling the truth. Exhibit A —the fabricated story of the University of Virginia freshman, perfect fodder for people who downplay sexual assault crimes.

Sadly our society still struggles to accept rape as a crime of violence, and to understand that those who commit sexual assault often don’t fit the stereotypical image of a criminal. Director/ Producer Judd Apatow hopes Cosby’s admission will help change that. “Now can we all stand up and support the victims? Apatow asks. “ Will silence continue?”

I wonder.