It feels as though not even a day goes by without another new thread in the unravelling saga surrounding Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer. We now know that at least eight people attended the meeting, including a Russian-American lobbyist who served in the Soviet military. Trump Jr. says he met with the lawyer after he was promised incriminating information about Hillary Clinton, purportedly from the Russian government.

This morning, President Trump defended his son on twitter, saying “most politicians would have gone to that meeting – That’s politics!” However, a majority of Americans disagree. A new Washington Post/ABC News poll found 63% of people said it was inappropriate for Trump Jr. and other campaign officials to attend the meeting.

That same poll also finds the President’s approval rating at 36% -- the lowest of any president since polling began 70 years ago.

Jesse Mermell, the former communications director for Deval Patrick, Harvard Business School professor Gautam Mukunda and former Social Security Commissioner Michael Astrue, who served briefly as lead counsel on the Iran-Contra affair, joined Jim to discuss.