• We opened up the lines to you to talk about the Cambridge librarian who denied donations of Dr. Seuss books from Melania Trump.
  • Leonard Brown and Eric Jackson joined us to preview a weeklong celebration of 40 years of John Coltrane. It runs from Oct. 1 through Oct. 7. For information about concerts and events during the festival, check out friendsofjcmc.org.
  • Emily Rooney came in to read her famous list of fixations and fulminations.
  • Tech expert Andy Ihnatko talked about the new iPhone and problems with internet access in rural America.
  • We heard your calls about National Coffee Day.
  • Callie Crossley talked about the new campaign by Boston's sports teams to combat racism.
  • The doormen of the Lenox Hotel, Mike Teazis and Justin McCaffrey, tried out our news quiz.