Can General John Kelly push the reset button on a chaos-plagued White House?

Since his appointment as chief of staff Monday, there have been some signs that the retired general has brought more discipline to the West Wing. He insisted that Trump fire former Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci after a vulgarity-filled rant to The New Yorker, and he  ended the "open door" policy in the Oval Office. 

But host of "The SCIF" podcast and homeland security expert Juliette Kayyem says no one should expect a major policy shift from this leadership change.

"[Kelly]'s also an enabler," she said. "Let's not forget that as Secretary of Homeland Security, he really did successfully effectuate some of the most draconian aspects of what you might call the Trump agenda, in particular, related to the wall and to the immigration enforcement. He defended Jared Kushner's back channel. He was a strong supporter of the Muslim ban."

Kayyem continued, "an untethered president will become more tethered, that's at best. The policies won't change." 

Click the audio player above to hear the full interview.