In this special one-hour episode of Under the Radar, host Callie Crossley speaks with five different women about the changing status of motherhood.
Part I
Guests May Friedman and Danae Jones-Aicher join Callie for a discussion about how the social concept of motherhood is expanding to include and incorporate the stories and challenges of contemporary moms.
May Friedman is a mom and also the Associate Professor of Social Work and Communication and Culture at Ryerson University. She is the suthor of “Mommyblogs the Changing Face of Motherhood.”
Danae Jones-Aicher, is a mom and former journalist, and also the National Director of Communications for the support group, Mocha Moms. Mocha Moms is a support group for stay at home mothers of color with information on child rearing and other family topics.
Part II
Professor Jane Waldfogel discusses maternity leave for in the only country in the world without mandated paid maternity leave.
Waldfogel is the co director of the Compton Foundation Centennial Professor of Social Work and Public Affairs. She is co-director of CPRC's Developmental Core, co-convener of the Child, Youth, and Families group, and a member of the CPRC Steering Committee. Waldfogel's research focuses on the effects of public policies on child and family well-being, both in the U.S. and cross-nationally.
Part III
Authors Meghan Daum and Melanie Notkin talk with Callie about the growing class of women who are not mothers, either by choice or by circumstance. They also explain the meaning of the phrase "otherhood."
Meghan Daum is the author of four books, and the editor of the New York Times bestseller Selfish, Shallow & Self-Absorbed: Sixteen Writers on the Decision Not To Have Kids. You can follow her at @meghan_daum.
Melanie Notkin is the national best-selling author of Otherhood: Modern Women Finding A New Kind of Happines and Savvy Auntie: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, and All Women Who Love Kids and the founder and personality behind Savvy Auntie. You can follow her at @SavvyAuntie.