
  • Charlie Sennott returns from Afghanistan to share stories and to debrief, discuss drones, and weigh in on Raul Castro and President Obama's meeting. >>Read more here.
  • Shannon O'Brien and Charlie Chieppo talk all things politics including Boston 2024, MBTA, and Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio joining the race. Then we see what your take is on the presidential picture. [25:47]
  • Reverends Irene Monroe and Emmett Price join us to discuss Walter Scott, and the safety of black bodies, as well as presidential faith, and a highly rated pope. >>Read more here . [1:17:40]
  • New York Times columnist Frank Bruni stops by to share why where you attend college may not matter as much as you think it does and why the unfortunate emphasis on getting into Ivy League Schools is harming us. Then we see what you think. >>Download our podcast.  [1:38:56]
  • Finally, Bob Thompson trumpets the return of Game of Thrones, discusses the fascinating Vanity Fair article on NBC news, theorizes why David Lynch pulled out of Twin Peaks, plus his best and worst moments of the week. [2:15:10]