- Boston is officially the third most expensive housing market in the United States. We check in with you to figure out how you think we should handle skyrocketing costs. This week featured a joint editorial from the Boston Globe, the Boston Herald, and the Patriot Ledger calling for more transparency for public records.
- Brian McGrory checks in with us about this, and about the Durst arrest and the Times' embargo agreement with HBO. [26:00]
- Juliette Kayyem stops by to discuss Loretta Lynch, Netanyahu's reelection, ongoing issues with Iran, and DA Conley. >>Read more here. [53:00]
- Attorney General, Maura Healey , stops by for her for inaugural "Ask the AG." We check in with her about everything from e-cigarettes to time shares and telemarketers. >>Read more here. OR >>Download our podcast. [1:16:20]
- Art Caplan sits down with us to talk about Dzokhar Tarnaev's medical treatment, and and irony of giving him the best care so he could be tried and executed. He also weighs in on Utah bringing back firing squad for executions, then we see what you think. >>Read more here . [1:45:10]
- Finally, Sue O'Connell stops by to check in about Elton John's spat with fashion house Dolce and Gabbana over "synthetic" children and the Kardashians pro-LGBT stance on Bruce Jenner's transition. [2:24:30]